The project is intended to provide out of the box APIs to various GCP data stores for CRUD operations. Its purpose is to provide in-built solution to integrate with any GCP data store by just adding required configuration. This API can be integrated in current systems with very minimal efforts. Currently It supports GCP BigTable data store and we are working on adding support to other GCP datastores.
GCP KV REST API is a Springboot application for various GCP data stores. Its purpose is to provide in-built solution to integrate with any GCP data store by just adding required configuration. This API can be integrated in current systems with very minimal efforts. Currently It supports GCP BigTable data store and we are working on adding support to other GCP datastores.
We see that many times we require APIs which are mostly fetching/updating the some information using a specific id and this is mostly recurring requirement with changes in data store. It can be BIG table, redis or cloud SQL.
This application provides out of the box solutions for all these kind of requirements. All you need to do is just add configuration for specific data stores and you are ready to use this in your application!
This application needs to have access to enabled GCP services from your local machine. You can install gcloud sdk and run below command to authenticate and setup gcp access
gcloud auth application-default login
Update application.properties for below variables for you GCP project or setup env variables as below
You need to have Java 11 with maven installed and get required dependencies via:
mvn clean package
Run KVLookupApplication.java from ide or using below command from terminal
java -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -DGCP_PROJECT_ID=<gcp_project_id> -DGCP_BIGTABLE_INSTANCE_LIST=<comma-seprated-list-of-instanceIds> -DGOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path-to/application_default_credentials.json> -jar target/gcp-kv-crud-rest-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Once started access API using:
The code currently provides below APIs
POST /v1/{instanceID}/insertData
This POST API will take instanceId as a path parameter and request payload as below which consists of tableName, rowKeyId and data.
"tableName": "<Name of the table>",
"rowKeyId": "<Id of the row>",
"data": [
"columnFamily": "string",
"columnName": "string",
"columnValue": "string"
POST /v1/{instanceID}/createTable
This POST API will create a new table in given BigTable instance along with a columnFamily mentioned.
"tableName": "string",
"columnFamily": "string"
GET /v1/{instanceID}/readCellData
This GET API takes path parameter instandID and query parameters tableName, id. It returns all values of given row as a response.
DELETE /v1/{instanceID}/deleteTable
This DELETE API will delete a tables that are listed in request payload in given instanceId
"tableList": [
Features Under Development
simplify parameter names to accomodate multiple datastores
Add new parameter to identify specific datastore
Add support for Spanner and Redis
Contributor Guide
Before contributing to this CVS Health sponsored project, you will need to sign the associated Contributor License Agreement.
See contributing page.